The work of The United Church of Canada across the country and around the world is funded by the Mission and Service (M&S) Fund. Members and supporters of the United Church know that it takes money to put their faith into action. In the M&S Fund they combine their gifts so that the work of the church can be done effectively.
Mission & Service Fund:
- Supports congregations across Canada
- Provides program and worship resources to all congregations
- Funds United Church outreach projects both in Canada and overseas
- Funds theological education and training

By giving to Mission & Service, the people of the United Church join together to accomplish three goals: to transform and save lives, to inspire meaning and purpose, and to build a better world.
Your gifts to Mission & Service help people in need in Canada and around the world by providing access to food, housing, and employment support. Your generosity helps people develop new skills and access life-changing medical treatment and counselling. Your gifts help people live meaningfully and purposefully by supporting education opportunities, communities of faith, retreat centres, and more.
Learn more about where the money goes, who it helps, and why it matters in the resources at the bottom of this page.
See Ways to Give for donation opportunities.
Gifts with Vision
The Gifts with Vision catalogue is where your gifts meet the world’s need. The gifts in the catalogue are Mission & Service projects that would not happen without your generosity. There are gift ideas to suit every interest, budget, and person. By giving a Gift with Vision, you can care for the planet; ensure those who are hungry have a hot, nutritious meal; or support an economic development initiative. A year-round opportunity to give a meaningful gift, Gifts with Vision ensures that your gift reflects your values.
More Information
Click here for a link to several United Church of Canada videos that answer questions you may have about what, where and how Mission & Services funds are used in Canada and the world. We sincerely thank you for your generosity.